.. _version-history: Version history =============== - ``0.6.0`` - Fix: Line breaks according to RFC 5322 (credit Waghabond) - Add: Support for Pandas styler (thanks ejbills!) - ``0.5.0`` - Add: Option to set custom email headers. - Add: New header, ``Message-ID: ...``. Sending emails via Gmail may fail without it as of 2022. - Add: New header, ``Date: ...``. - Fix: Capitalized email headers including ``From``, ``To`` and ``Subject``. - Update: Content-IDs (used in the embedded images in the HTML body) now uses fully qualified domain name (FQDN) by default. Can be customized by setting ``domain`` attribute in the sender. - Package: Now Red Mail is built using pyproject.toml and CI pipelines were updated. - ``0.4.2`` - Docs: Changed docs style. - ``0.4.1`` - Add: Mypy stubs (thanks Waghabond!) - Docs: Improved embedded content page. - ``0.4.0`` - Rename: Changed ``user_name`` to ``username`` in ``redmail.EmailSender``. ``user_name`` still works but issues a warning. - Add: ``redmail.EmailSender.send`` now has new argument ``use_jinja`` (by default True) to disable Jinja templating. - Fix: Now the MIME structure is more defined and more likely renders emails properly across email providers. - Fix: Embedded images for aliased senders. - Docs: Added examples of how to test Red Mail's messages. - ``0.3.1`` - Package: Added the license as a classifier to setup.py. Some pipelines may require such. - ``0.3.0`` - Add: Logging handlers (:class:`.EmailHandler`, :class:`.MultiEmailHandler`) - Add: Outlook pre-configured sender - Add: Multiple emails can be sent without closing the connection using context manager in :class:`EmailSender` - ``0.2.1`` - Fix: If some attachments are specified and only text body or no body at all is set´, sending email no longer crashes - Fix: Now embedded images support also non-PNG images using dict format - Docs: Added examples of embedding images using dict format - Docs: Added an example of sending emails using aliases - Docs: Fixed some couple of typos - ``0.2.0`` - Docs: Docstrings were rewritten and are more complete - Docs: Huge improvement on the official documentation - Add: Support for TLS, SSL and other types of protocols - Add: Subclassing of ``EmailSender`` has better support allowing for interesting customization - Fix: Fixed a couple of minor bugs related to exceptions, format classes and tests - Test: Test coverage is now almost 100 % - ``0.1.1`` - Package: Dropped Pandas as hard dependency - ``0.1.0`` - First release