.. meta:: :description: Send email with table in the body in Python. :keywords: send, email, Python, table, content .. _embedding-tables: Sending Email with Table in Body ================================ You may include tables simply by turning them to raw HTML for example using ``df.to_html()`` in Pandas. However, this often lead to very ugly tables as SMTP is poor at handling CSS or styling in general. Here is a comparison of using ``df.to_html()`` directly vs embedding via Red Mail: |pic1| vs |pic2| .. |pic1| image:: /imgs/table_without_style.png :height: 150px :align: top .. |pic2| image:: /imgs/table_with_style.png :height: 150px :align: top To embed tables, you can simply pass them to the send function as Pandas dataframes: .. code-block:: python # Creating a simple dataframe import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({ 'nums': [1,2,3], 'strings': ['yes', 'no', 'yes'], }) # Let Red Mail to render the dataframe for you: email.send( subject='A prettified table', receivers=['first.last@example.com'], html="

This is a table:

{{ mytable }}", body_tables={ 'mytable': df, } ) Red Mail uses Jinja and inline HTML styling to make the tables look nice. Email servers typically don't handle well CSS. .. warning:: Red Email Pandas templating should work on various dataframe strucutres (empty, multi-indexed etc.) but sometimes the rendering may be off if the dataframe is especially complex in structural sense. There are plans to make it even more better. You may also override the template paths (see :ref:`templating`) to create custom templates if you wish to make your own table prettifying: .. code-block:: python email.set_template_paths( html_table="path/to/templates", text_template="path/to/templates" ) email.default_html_theme = "my_table_template.html" email.default_text_theme = "my_table_template.txt" The templates get parameter ``df`` which is the dataframe to be prettified. Using Pandas Styler ------------------- You may also pass a Pandas style object to the body tables. This feature depends on `css_inline `_. You may install the requirements: .. code-block:: shell pip install redmail[style] First we make a Pandas style object: .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd # Specify CSS style styles = [ dict( selector="th", props=[ ("font-weight", "bold"), ("padding", "0.5em 0.5em"), ("border-bottom", "1px solid black") ] ), dict( selector="tr:nth-child(even)", props=[("background-color", "#f5f5f5")] ), dict( selector="tr:nth-child(odd)", props=[("background-color", "#FFFFFF")] ), ] # Create a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({ 'nums': [1,2,3], 'strings': ['yes', 'no', 'yes'], }) # Set the style style = ( df.style .set_table_styles(styles) .hide(axis="index") ) Then to send the email: .. code-block:: python email.send( subject='A prettified table', receivers=['first.last@example.com'], html="

This is a table:

{{ mytable }}", body_tables={ 'mytable': style, } ) The result looks like the following: .. image:: /imgs/table_with_styler.png :align: left