.. _cookbook: Cookbook ========= This section provides various examples for various needs. .. _cookbook-campaign: Email Campaign -------------- In case you have a list of clients or customers you wish to send personalized emails, you may benefit from templating. It may help to make the templates to an HTML file, polish them and after then send: .. code-block:: python from redmail import EmailSender email = EmailSender(...) email.receivers = ['we@example.com'] email.set_template_paths( html="path/to/campaigns" ) Then make a HTML file, for example ``path/to/campaigns/summer_sale.html``: .. code-block:: html

Thank you, {{ customer }}, for being awesome!

We are pleased to inform you that we have a lot of products in huge discounts.

Kind regards, We Ltd.

Finally send the emails: .. code-block:: python discounts = {'shoes': 0.2, 'shirts': 0.4} customers = ['cust1@example.com', 'cust2@example.com', ...] for customer in customers: email.send( subject="Summer Sale!", html_template="summer_sale.html", body_params={ "customer": customer, "discounts": discounts }, body_images={ "company_logo": "path/to/logo.png" } ) .. _cookbook-alerts: Error Alerts ------------ If you are building long running program (ie. web app) you can make a templated error alerts that include the full traceback: .. code-block:: python from redmail import EmailSender error_email = EmailSender(...) error_email.sender = 'me@example.com' error_email.receivers = ['me@example.com'] error_email.html = """

An error encountered

{{ error }} """ try: raise RuntimeError("Oops") except: # Send an email including the traceback error_email.send(subject="Fail: doing stuff failed") .. note:: The ``error`` formatting object identifies which body it is being attached to. If you wish to use text body, ``error`` will show up similarly as Python errors you see on terminals. See more from :class:`redmail.models.Error` .. _cookbook-stats: Stats Reports ------------- As demonstrated :ref:`here `, embedding Matplotlib figures to the HTML bodies is trivial. Therefore you can easily create diagnostic reports or automatic analyses. Just create the plots and let Red Mail send them to you: .. code-block:: python from redmail import EmailSender stats_report = EmailSender(...) stats_report.sender = 'no-reply@example.com' stats_report.receivers = ['me@example.com'] # Create a plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig_performance = plt.Figure() plt.plot([1,2,3,2,3]) # Create summary table import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(...) df_summary = df.describe() # Send the report stats_report.send( subject="System Diagnostics", html="""

System Diagnostics ({{ now }})


{{ perf_plot }}

Summary Statistics

{{ tbl_summary }}

System running on {{ node }}

""", body_images={ "perf_plot": fig_performance, }, body_tables={ "tbl_summary": df_summary } ) Distribution Lists ------------------ There might be a situation in which you would like to specify some sets of pre-defined distribution lists for which you will send emails to depending on situation. To accomplish this, you can create subclass the :class:`.EmailSender` and create cystin distribution list logic: .. code-block:: python from redmail import EmailSender class DistributionSender(EmailSender): "Send email using pre-defined distribution lists" def __init__(self, *args, distributions:dict, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.distributions = distributions def get_receivers(self, receiver_list): if receiver_list: return self.distributions[receiver_list] def get_cc(self, receiver_list): if receiver_list: return self.distributions[receiver_list] def get_bcc(self, receiver_list): if receiver_list: return self.distributions[receiver_list] Then to use it: .. code-block:: python email = DistributionSender( host="localhost", port=0, distributions={ "managers": ["boss1@example.com", "boss2@example.com"], "developers": ["dev1@example.com", "dev2@example.com"] } ) email.send( subject="Important news", receivers="developers", cc="managers", ... ) You can also accomplish this without subclassing to limited extent: .. code-block:: python managers = EmailSender(host="localhost", port=0) managers.receivers = ["boss1@example.com", "boss2@example.com"] developers = EmailSender(host="localhost", port=0) developers.receivers = ["dev1@example.com", "dev2@example.com"] # Send an email to the developers developers.send( subject="Important news" )